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Purple Martins 101

Cantigny Golf
Saturday, June 29, 7:30 am

Learn about a special bird that calls Cantigny Golf home, the purple martin. Cantigny volunteer and “martineer” Ray Feld will share his expertise and answer questions during a short presentation. He will then lower one of the martin “hotels” and give us a peak at some nestlings.

Please park in the lower lot of Cantigny Golf (27w270 Mack Road). Parking is free.

NEW THIS YEAR: Due to golf course construction, Ray’s presentation will take place outside the large white event tent, adjacent to the parking area. After his talk we will all head across the lane to the purple martin area. Chairs will be provided for the presentation, which will be in shade.  The purple martin area can be hot and sunny, so bottled water and sunscreen are advised.

For this event only, please register directly with the organizer. Send an email to jreiter@cantigny.org with “PM 101” on the Subject line. Participation is limited to 25.

For more information about birding at Cantigny, check out these links:

Cantigny.org birding page

DuPage Birding Club “hotspot” profile for Cantigny